It was more like a 5k waddle for me, but I made it through without injury. The local college sponsors a 5k walk/run twice a year, and I try to participate when I can. I missed the one in the fall because I was still in doctor-prescribed "take it easy" mode. They did have a number of "special prizes," but "most pregnant" wasn't one of them. I admit that today my legs are sore and my feet are tender, but it is good to know that I can still walk 3 miles in about an hour. I didn't give birth in the middle of the race, either, so it was all-in-all a success.
In other news, we're just about ready for our big move-in at the end of the month. Well, construction-wise. We've got a sink, a toilet, a tub (though I need to give it a good scrub before I will bathe in it), temporary curtains, and a bed. We even hung the bedroom door and the bathroom chandelier.
I still have a long way to go as far as packing up our apartment, though. Our landlord gave us a little extra time to move out, though, so I'm not too worried. He'll be out of the country and won't be able to do the typical between-tenant cleaning for a few weeks into May, so he gave us permission to stay if we need to. I think the plan is to try to get everything out of the apartment by next weekend with the exception of kitchen stuff. We still don't have a fridge or stove at the house, so having a place to prepare a meal will be nice.
Seems like things are coming together--The color of border on that rug is rather distracting. I don't think it would be difficult to change it out, though you would probably have to add the new one over the old. Maybe not---
Am trying to get things in order and houses rented before I head your direction--what a relief it will be. Your dad, brother and I have spent this week end getting the little yellow house ready for the new tenant. She owns a floor cleaning business and is from Brazil. (That place is beginning to shine like a new penny.)
Haven't had the time to get the recipes together--guess sometime Wed I will get those to you. Tomorrow I will take your brother to school and then see Catherine, Addiecakes and BoBo for a few minutes until Aunt Tooty gets back from Mass and then I will give her a Perm.
I am supposed to meet Rosangela to get the signed leases and the $1200 tomorrow, also. Your dad is still in the middle of power washing, and I have a bunch of stuff to haul to Good Will. I haven't picked up the Kilz paint (to cover the chocolate brown trim) nor the house paint. So I have plenty to do to keep me busy this week.
Tuesday I will take the truck and see if I can pick up some of the bricks that came out of the kitchen and off the wall behind the stove at Aunt Tooty's. I intend to use them to line the driveway here beside the fence. I can't stand all the leaves and tree debris that gets caught up in the bed along side the drive, so I am eliminating it. I have begun to scrape off the vegetation and dirt to at least the drive level. When the brick finally get here, I will decide whether they need to be sunk into the ground. I don't want to do to much fussing with them as we intend to redo the drive sometime this year, which as you know is a huge undertaking due to the oak tree needing to be root pruned. These brick may need to be eliminated and/or reset. Won't know until we finally decide what kind of drive we will have put in. I think to keep the drive from breaking up further (from the roots), we should probably opt to do cement to the edge of the house and then brick the apron and drive in front of the carport. That way the roots won't break up the expensive cement work. If you have any suggestions, send them on. Gotta go, it's nearly midnight and I have miles to go before I sleep............Love MOM
OK, now that the baby scare is behind us, I can comment on the house stuff. That chandelier looks gorgeous! The bathroom looks great too. The rug seems like a fantastic buy, even with the RED border! So has the baby drama affected your move-in schedule or are things still on track? Just don't overdo it-- we want to see that baby come on time and at her full weight!
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