I'm only half-breaking my promise not to update until the wall was completed. It's been cold and rainy here, so building the wall has been a no-go. However, I did get a visit on Monday afternoon just as I started working outside from a previous owner! I could tell he is the sort of person who loves to talk and tell stories, so I picked his brain about the house. Some things I found out:
1. The bricks we've been digging in the yard weren't there originally.
3. I speculated that the side porch was not original, due to the different mortar thickness and color and the fact that it's not integrated into the pilaster very well.
4. A mysterious pole in the side yard, that our neighbor warned us could be a vent (for what I don't know) and we therefore shouldn't remove it, is just part of an old clothes line. It's probably not even anchored in cement, so it should come out pretty easily.
5. According to him, the state gave them virtually no time to clean out the house before a forced sell date. I can only assume there were back taxes owed on the property. He said they threw out all sorts of historically significant items, including original blueprints to local landmarks (remember, his family owned a construction company) including the stadium (the original home of what is now the Detroit Lions). Being a lover of historic architecture, knowing these were thrown away breaks my heart.
And the absolute BEST part is that he's going to give us some old photos of the house and surrounding area! I may be a total architecture nerd for loving such things, but I won't apologize for it.
That is so awesome that you were able to speak to someone so intimately familiar with the house. Does this person still live in the area? Did you show him around inside? Being able to hang pictures of the house in its former glory on the walls now is just icing on the cake. What a great story!
Now that's what I call a great story. What year were they forced to sell? How many owners back? The pictures will be a great addition somewhere. Let us know any updates on this.
How lucky to meet the former owner and learn so much about the house.
Funny about the pipe in the back yard. Our old house had one, too, and we were convinced it had something to do with a buried oil tank and had all sorts of worries about that. Turned out, it was just a pole for the laundry line. Phew!
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