I've eliminated a lot of fencing options, but there are still plenty of designs and variations left to ponder. First there's the fence panel shape to consider. There's curved concave:
stepped concave:


and straight:

Then there's the post style. You can choose to add moulding:

cut the ends:

add a cap:

or a finial:

or cut it lower than the pickets so it all but disappears:

And if that wasn't enough, you still have to decide on pickets. There's dog-eared pickets:

gothic style pickets:


and flat:

and any shape you can imagine:

Is it any wonder that I get utterly overwhelmed with the choices?
I like the first, fourth and last fence pictured. However, you need to take into account the style of house you have and what it will look like with that. But I think my very favorite is the last one, it is a very old style----looks very nostalgic and not many people are using it, so it won't be used to death in your area.
I like the first and last fence choices; the last being my most favorite. I definitely like caps better than finials for the posts. So sayeth the design committee.
Looking forward to the "AFTER" picture that I just know will be posted SOON. So are you "Still on the Fence" about the fence?
You wouldn't believe how many times a week I check for a new posting--still nothing. Are you trying to make me come up there and take care of my sweet patootie while you make progress?
I'm exhausted just reading about all the choices. Thanks for entering my giveaway!
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