I'm tired of sawdust and debris. I want the pretties! Here are a couple of things I've drawn up. {Click on images to enlarge.} All prices listed are full retail, but I'll do my best not to pay even that much (though nothing I've chosen is particularly high-end to begin with).
First, the plan, bird's-eye perspective, and elevations - boring but helpful architectural drawings.

And the essentials - plumbing and fixtures. Plain white toilet, tub, and sink. Brushed stainless steel faucets (for tub and sink - these are the same fixtures as those in the master bath). Aged brass/bronze lights.

And finally materials and finishes. I actually came up with two options. The hard, permanent surfaces (cabinets and floors) are the same in both, but the soft goods are different. I think I like the first one better, but I don't know if I'll be able to get those rose knobs locally. Also, that marble floor probably won't be as cheap as the drawing indicates. It was on clearance at our Lowe's store, but they've sold out. It's available at other stores, but not at that price.

I have no idea what I'm doing for the vanity sink base and countertop. I'd like to retrofit an old, curvy dresser, but I need to find one first!
You should just have the sample boards framed. They are works of art. I would have a very hard time deciding between the two choices for the children's bathroom. Our taste is very similar and they are both gorgeous. Don't you just love Anthropologie hardware? You just do a better job of translating yours onto paper. Mine never looks the way I hoped. Please come down and help me! Great job!
I like both, just don't care for the shower curtain choices. The first doesn't appear to me (for some reason) to be too feminine. It does have rose handles and a pink shade, but the prints keep it toned down. The second one appears more feminine, oval rug, coral flower handles, floral prints, etc. You may one day have a boy--but then by then you may want to redo... Looking good....
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