Sorry for the radio silence. Tom and I have been focused on moving out of and cleaning our old apartment, so not much has been done in the house. Our landlord was nice enough to give us an extra couple of weeks to get everything cleaned up (he was out of the country and wouldn't be able to get to the between-tenant cleaning until now), so of course we procrastinated. We're finally completely out, so I guess I'll show you where Tom and I have lived for almost a year. Here's a floor plan, courtesy of the Historic American Buildings Survey (if you love historic architecture as much as I do, this is an invaluable resource; check out your hometown!):

We lived in the apartment at the top half of the floor plan (the part with a lighter lineweight - it was built at a later time than the original circa-1845 house). Here's the living room:
And here's the lovely kitchen:
The lack of counter space was endlessly infuriating. And exactly how metal cabinets with magnetic latches can fail to stay closed remains a mystery to me. Don't be fooled by the apparent cuteness of the sink, either. The basin was tiny (18" I think), and the drainboard wasn't big enough to hold much. Consequently, the sink always had dirty dishes in it (even though I'd do dishes twice daily). Plus it stained like crazy. How do you like our undercabinet lighting (it had that sickly yellow cheap-outdoor-lighting glow) and our outlets (the surge protector plugged into who knows where)? Did you notice the absurdly small ceiling fan in the kitchen? No?
The last stop on the grand tour is the bathroom:
The bathroom also had an odd amount of storage. Other than the medicine cabinet over the sink and this built-in by the toilet, there was also an alcove to the left of the tub. We ended up storing our kitchen linens in here, too.
So there it is, our luxurious 2-bedroom apartment in an historic home. Despite our landlord's apparent love for wood paneling (which covers every wall surface in the place), it was an OK apartment, but we are glad to be out and in our own home.
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