...but some progress nonetheless. Most of the day was spent staring at the dryer vent material in Lowe's. Apparently you can't use flexible aluminum duct inside a wall cavity. And of course, everything in our local Lowe's is out of place or broken or mislabeled or missing completely, so it is never a simple shopping trip.
I finally took care of our front door latch. It has always been problematic. If you don't leave the inside knob in just the right position, the outer thumb latch won't work. I read somewhere that this particular problem is generally caused by dirt and grime in the mechanism, so I bought some degreaser and went to it. As it turns out, I don't think it was a gunk problem at all - I think the inside door knob had been screwed on too tight. Somehow that interfered with the outside latch getting to the lift mechanism. It was interesting to take it apart and see how it worked, though - it's amazing how few moving parts there were in the whole handset! It still requires two hands (thumbs, actually) to open the door, but at least it's not a gamble as to whether or not it will work. No more climbing into second-floor windows for me! (Oh, yes, that has happened).
Tom started running the electric for the dryer. Unfortunately he got waylaid in the process by some old knob-and-tube wiring in the basement that was in the way. Here's his arm at the end of the day, covered in coal dust and dirt, with my much cleaner (but still dirty) arm as a point of comparison:
Is there any dirt left in the basement?
I finally took care of our front door latch. It has always been problematic. If you don't leave the inside knob in just the right position, the outer thumb latch won't work. I read somewhere that this particular problem is generally caused by dirt and grime in the mechanism, so I bought some degreaser and went to it. As it turns out, I don't think it was a gunk problem at all - I think the inside door knob had been screwed on too tight. Somehow that interfered with the outside latch getting to the lift mechanism. It was interesting to take it apart and see how it worked, though - it's amazing how few moving parts there were in the whole handset! It still requires two hands (thumbs, actually) to open the door, but at least it's not a gamble as to whether or not it will work. No more climbing into second-floor windows for me! (Oh, yes, that has happened).
Tom started running the electric for the dryer. Unfortunately he got waylaid in the process by some old knob-and-tube wiring in the basement that was in the way. Here's his arm at the end of the day, covered in coal dust and dirt, with my much cleaner (but still dirty) arm as a point of comparison:
He should be able to finish up tomorrow, which means I'll be able to check something off the list. And if all goes well, we'll have all the washer and dryer stuff done by tomorrow evening, too. Of course, nothing ever goes well, so we'll just have to do the best we can. Until tomorrow...
Guesses? I wasn't quite sure what you had in mind when presented with that question in reference to that photo. Keep in mind, that question left open a lot of territory. Couldn't figure out if you were talking about the wiring, the flooring with all hundred years of accumulated dust, the plumbing, lack of progress or the stud work. Or the stud with his backside to the camera. I did finally figure out that it was Tom because of the wedding ring on his middle finger. (And let me tell you this--DON'T YOU EVER take a picture of me with whatever camera you used for this picture.) Mercy--if that's what Tom looks like bent over, I'm not sure there would be enough paper available to print mine on. You seriously had one W I D E angle lens on that camera of yours-----------
Anyway, good luck on all of that--- Much has been happening around here, lately. Your dad has put in three weeks on site Lock work and now will be in town for two weeks writing reports. The next time he leaves will be on the 31st of August and looks like he will be out of town on our 40th Anniversary. Go figure--don't know for sure, but don't think Marian and Ben will be in for that since they will be coming back on the next weekend for another reason......which is....
Aunt Tooty is celebrating her 50th Anniversary in the church on the 8th of Sep. When Pat was in town last week, I mentioned to her that I thought it was her anniversary, and she said "Oh, I don't think so, not until 2012." But to save you from the long story, she decided to go on a fishing expedition with Sr. Mary Robert, and ended up catching a whale. So we are planning a (so far a surprise) 50th Anniversary celebration with a desert social in her honor on Sunday 6 Sep 09 from 2-4. I have already gotten the Mercy Center (used for your reception) given to us free for this, a Mass being said for her, and the open invitation to St. Mary's community as well as many personal phone calls to interested persons. I also have a call in to the "Arch Deluxe". She has already flatly turned down her community to have anything for her, but then Sr. Carolyn would have been the one to spearhead that, and your Aunt Tooty would NEVER consent to that. I am going to call Pollman's bakery and talk to the owners about donating a large sheet cake for us as well. She taught so many of their children.
I did say it was a surprise---so far--I'm pretty sure someone will spill the beans before it happens, but by then everything will be in place and all she will be able to do is shoot me a look and show up.
On another subject--I received a call from "Susie Jackson" asking for your dad and my help with the groundwork in getting a Museum (that we proposed some 18 years ago along with the Library that was eventually opened) and a War Memorial for the Towne of Mt. Vernon. I am very much interested in being on committee and accepted. I couldn't believe Susie did not know that they have a museum and Library at Sercy, supposedly open to the public, but of course with limited access that the dispensation of which will be in question if they really do close the facility. My understanding so far is that one of the buildings is being donated to us for that purpose. Hopefully we can obtain all those items of record to use. Will let you know.
Berry had orientation on Wed of last week, along with a late afternoon-evening practice for football. On Friday evening was the first skirmish and I went, but couldn't tell which one was him. I might try to go just for the social aspect of it--because I swear--I just don't get it.
Love to you both, hang in there, only good hard work ahead of you. Love MOM
Dear S&T,
RLC is mad at me and has been maligning me on face book over the whole mess. She claims I didn't pay the deposit on her dorm room (Yeah right, who is she kidding?) when it was due, therefore she will just have to live in the yellow cottage on Hillview. I flatly refused, (Your dad and I had discussed it and found that it was cost prohibitive)and the battle lines were drawn. She called him (and actually got him out on the lock when you usually can't get a signal), he called me and I told him what was going on and further told him I thought she did it on purpose. He strongly agreed. But now she is making a perfect nuisance of herself and being very disrespectful and openly defiant. (Any of this sound familiar?) I don't think anyone will ever be able to convince me this was a plan all along that blew up in her face. She is now on a waiting list at USA for a room. Can you believe it? (Someone thought there a lot more students this year due to the new football team.) She was number 60 when she signed up and as of late Friday afternoon, she had moved into the 34th place. Of course if only one person stays on the list ahead of her, looks like she will be home for the semester. Pray hard they all decide to go to those new apartments for the semester.
Love to you both, hang in there, only good hard work ahead of you. Love MOM
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