We had two long workdays in a row and actually managed to get a lot accomplished for once. If you recall, this is what our bedroom looked like last weekend:
And this is what it looked like at the end of Saturday:
But here's the bedroom at the end of the day on Sunday (11 pm):
I also capped off all the supply lines in the house, so I can call the water company and have them turn on the water. Hopefully we'll be able to leak-test the plumbing next weekend so we can begin drywall work in the bathroom. Since Paul and Francesca are expecting baby boy #3 in November, Paul's got his own list of home improvement projects he needs to get done. He's trying to get done everything Tom and I would probably mess up royally if left to our own devices. Namely, the hookups for the washer and dryer. I'm still waiting for the next big holiday weekend for sweet appliance deals (sales + 110% price matching + free delivery + 10% off for opening a Lowe's credit card = ka-ching) before I buy them, but we'll be prepared when they finally come.
Dear T&S,
I know how exhausted you must be after working all day, so you are definitely feeling as though you are becoming a slave to your home. Slowly progress is beginning to take shape. One day all your hard work will be worth it.
1. Do it right the first time
2. Don't just make do for the sake of getting it done thinking you will have more time later to fix it the way you want because other things will be more pressing and it probably won't happen
3. If an imperfection bothers you, redo now--it will always bother you
4. Make schedules--and stick to them
5. Don't compromise on quality
6. Manage to be civil to one another through it all.
Love MOM
Hi, Sarah and Tom,
I've checked out this blog a couple times, and have been very impressed with the scope of what you've taken on. You'll get there yet!
BTW, if you received a mystery WalMart gift card abut a month or so ago, it was from us. I had it sent from the WalMart website to one of the addresses Glenna gave me (4th St.???) I hope it made it to you.
Best of luck!
Marie Grip
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